Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day 18 - Grand Teton National Park

Saturday, June 23, 2007

We slept a little later than usual today and then wandered around Jackson for a little while, trying to find a spot for breakfast. I really think Jackson is a cool little place. It has a Western feel to it in the fake, tourist sense without seeming too fake or touristy. There is also a place called The Million Dollar Cowboy Bar, which basically lets you know the place rules.

We spent the rest of the day in Grand Teton Park. Our first stop was an old homestead where a guy name Meron had set up a Ferry back around the turn of the century. We ran into a ranger who spontaneously took us on a tour and told us all about the two Meron brothers. They basically lived in a one room shack and made a living by charging people to take them across the river. What I took from this is that in those days you really had to be self-sufficient. These guys came out here, built a house, and then set up a ferry. They weren't professional builders or anything; but in those days you had to know how to do everything. I have no idea how to build a house. Or a ferry.

Later, we took a hike to a place called Hidden Falls and another called Inspiration Point. Much of the day was spent searching out views of these spectacular mountains. We also drove to the top of Signal Mountain, which gave some great views of the surrounding valley. We were hoping to spot a moose, but we never found one.

Also, a couple days ago a jogger was mauled by a Grizzly Bear just outside the lodge in Grand Teton Park. Today, we saw the trail where it happened. Apparently the bear was protecting an elk carcass that she and her cubs were feeding on. They've said the bear won't be put down, as this is normal behavior, but the area has been closed off until Elk calving season is over.

We drove through Cody, Wyoming as we began our journey toward Devils Tower. Apparently, this town is all about Buffalo Bill Cody, as there are five museums and five dozen businesses named for him. There was also a rodeo going on.

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